Kalonji oil or Nigella Sativa oil is extracted via Cold pressed Method by us to maintain Medicnal Properties for Good health. The Kalonji Oil is Having lot Of Medicnal Properties like to Reduce Blood Sugar, Constiption and Blood Pressure.
Synonyms Of Kalonji :
• Kalonji
• Nigella sativa
• Black caraway
• Nigella
• Black cumin
• Roman coriander
Benefits of KalonjiOil / Nigella Sativa Oil For Skin And Hair
1. Reduce Blemishes , Puffiness , Wrinkles from Skin.
2. Regenerate of Hair Growth.
3. Reduce hair Fall.
4. Prevent Greying and Damage of hairs.
5. Enhance memory and Concentraion.
6. Cure Cracked Heels.
7. Kalonji oil tones , Smoothes and gowing Skin.
8. Kalonji Oil helps to enhance digestion.
9. Kalonji Oil Reduces Swelling in Stomache.
Disclaimer :
This piece of writing is only for the purpose of education and is written wholly in the concern of sharing the long-established insight of Ayurveda, the mother of all healing sciences. It is not intended to prevent or diagnose any disease or health conditions or to substitute any kind of expert medical advice or prescribed medications. Do not use essential oils internally. Always ensure that you dilute essential oils in suitable carrier oils before using it for topical application, as pure and organic essential oils are highly concentrated substances. Consult your healthcare professional/Ayurvedic practitioner before choosing the right essential oil for your unique individual constitution and medical condition.
kalonji Seed Oil for Aromather...
Kalonji Seed oil For Cosmetics
Kalonji Seed Oil for massage
29 Jan, 2024
good product